The diet for the week is effective, simple, tasty and safe: daily diet

Planned diet

Every woman at least once in her life has resorted to diets for rapid weight loss. The question is, do diets not always work?

This happens for a number of reasons, but usually the problem is that it is very difficult to endure a strict regime, denying any enjoyment of food.

As a result - injuries and the woman abandons the idea of ​​weight loss.

But the problem would be much easier to solve if you chose a simple but effective short-term diet. And the result was achieved and I did not have to limit myself to food for a long time.

The most effective diet for weight loss for a week, simple and safe, a detailed menu for each day, comments on it are discussed in this article.

When you need it

Unbridled fashion for skinny girls startedat the same time as the famous Twiggy appeared in the modeling arena. Her slim, non-sexual form is still considered the model of female beauty.

Doctors, of course, actually disagree with this view, but who usually listens to them?

And it's worth listening to. Ultimately, thediet can be a tool not only for rapid weight loss, but also for normalizing metabolism and healing.

And if you approach it from this point of view, thena diet from duty becomes a useful tool in the fight for health.

If you are overweight, then changing your meal and daily diet to diet will help normalize your metabolism, get your shape back to normal. But how is this percentage calculated?

There is a simple formula for this. To calculate it,needs to know your exact height in centimeters. Let us give an example of calculation.

The woman is 165 cm tall. The ideal weight for a healthy person is height minus 100 cm.

The following calculation is obtained: 165-100 = 65 kg. This is the maximum allowable weight that a woman of this height or upper weight can have.

The lower limit of the weight rule is calculated using the same formula, but instead of 100 you have to subtract 110. It turns out that a woman 165 cm tall has a lower weight limit of 55 kg.

Do not lose too much weight, even if it is the best diet you have ever tried. This will adversely affect the condition of the skin, hair and, most importantly, the health of women.

Anorexic models often have problems in the form of lack of ovulation and menstruation.To avoid infertility, abandon the idea of ​​drastic weight loss.

Fasting day

How useful

If your priority is not weight loss, but recoveryand normalizing your metabolism, a week of fasting with a diet will be a great solution to the problem.

Especially if, due to your busy work schedule, you eat often on the go or are a regular at fast food and other fast food stores.

Overconsumption and overweight foods harm the body, as with an unbalanced diet, few nutrients and trace elements enter the body, while heavy fats and bad absorbers are highly absorbable. .

The body is already under stress due to the need to digest and assimilate all of this, and then there is stress, deadlines and lack of sleep are added.

Therefore, chronic fatigue, stool problems, skin and hair. And overweight.

Most dietitians are unanimous in their opinion about a sudden change in diet - this also negatively affects the body, causing stress.

Therefore, we have analyzed the best diets for the week andwe are ready to offer this diet option in which you will find a balanced meal planfor the transition to a healthy diet.

Composing the menu

This diet is designed to gradually change the diet, normalize metabolism and mild weight loss. It does not lead to a hunger strike, but it will be necessary to give up only fatty, fried, fast food.

In this, you can lose weight up to 5 kg per week. You can repeat this diet for prevention every month or two.

It is very light, simple, all dishes are prepared quickly, especially if you have a slow cooker at home. During the diet, you should drink plenty of mineral water without gas and cranberry juice.

Cottage cheese with raisins and kiwis


Breakfast:cheese croutons, light salad of green onions and cucumbers. From drinks - natural coffee with cinnamon and sugar-free ginger.

Lunch:cottage cheese with raisins and dried apricots, yogurt, an apple or kiwi. Drink mineral water without gas with the addition of lemon juice and mint leaves.

Snack:boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad with lemon juice, low-fat chicken broth.

Dinner:light fruit salad with yogurt sauce, a glass of low-fat sour cream, mint tea with ginger.


Breakfast:yogurt and light fruit salad, rye toast. Drink coffee with ginger and black pepper.

Lunch:salmon soup with tomato and rice, rye croutons with curd and fresh cucumber. Drink with herbs or mint tea with lemon.

Afternoon snack:two boiled eggs, tomatoes with cheese, banana and apple. Wash with fermented boiled milk or mineral water with lemon.

Dinner:fresh cucumber salad with boiled beef with light sour cream sauce, toast with tomato and cheese. Drink with mint or herbal tea.


Breakfast:oatmeal with fresh blueberries or blueberries, rye bread toast with butter. Drink coffee with milk and a pinch of ginger.

Lunch:Steamed white fish steak, light vegetable salad. For dessert - yogurt with fresh fruit. Drink with cranberry or orange juice.

Snack:Light chicken broth with croutons, tomato and cucumber salad, mineral water with lemon.

Dinner:steamed rice risotto, shrimp and vegetables, fruit salad. Drinks include herbal tea with lemon balm or mint.


Breakfast:buckwheat porridge with milk, toast with cheese. For dessert - banana or pear. It should be washed with black coffee with ginger or dried fruit compote.

Lunch:chicken breast baked in foil, garnished with mushrooms boiled in broth. Light fruit salad. Wash with mineral water with lemon.

Afternoon snack:salad with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers with lemon juice sauce, croutons with low-fat cheese. For dessert - yogurt with natural berries and nuts. Drink with orange or apple juice.

Dinner:fresh tomato puree soup, boiled beef with rice. For dessert - dried fruits or nuts in honey. From drinks - tea from lemon balm, lemon and thyme.

Vegetable salad


Breakfast:cheesecakes with fresh berries, half a serving of oatmeal in milk. Wash with kefir or weak coffee with milk.

Lunch:vegetable salad, boiled beef. For dessert - fruit or berries. Drink with orange juice or fruit drink.

Snack:buckwheat porridge with mushrooms boiled in sour cream, souffle protein dessert. Drink with apple juice or mineral water with lemon.

Dinner:fish cooked in foil with herbs and spices, boiled rice. Fruit salad for dessert. Drinks - mint tea, jelly.


Breakfast:oatmeal with fresh berries, low calorie yogurt. From drinks - mineral water with lemon, boiled milk or kefir.

Lunch:vegetable salad with tomatoes, boiled chicken breast. Toast with cheese. Drinks: black coffee with ginger.

Snack:chicken broth, toast with cheese. Eggplant baked in foil with herbs. Drinks: mint tea or cranberry juice.

Dinner:salad with chicken liver with rice and mushrooms with sauce with light sour cream, fruit salad. Mint tea or compote.


Breakfast:cheesecakes with raisins, yogurt. Coffee with milk.

Lunch:fish soup, rice with vegetables, fresh pineapple. Cranberry or orange juice, mineral water.

Snack:radish salad, boiled chicken breast. Mineral water with lemon.

Dinner:fruit salad, cottage cheese with berries, toast with cheese. Herbal or mint tea.

Soup diet

Reviews for weight loss

Let's see what the women who used it for the weight loss diet this week think.

"I work for a modeling company, so weight control is essential for me. I try to follow a healthy diet, I regularly arrange weeks of fasting to stimulate my body.

These days it is good to drink plenty of clean water with lemon juice, eat vegetables and fruits rich in zinc and amino acids. This weekly diet gives you positive energy, makes you feel better and gives you a sense of lightness. "

"I put on a lot of weight after giving birth. Regular diet was contraindicated as I was breastfeeding my son and the doctor advised a weekly diet.

I liked the fact that it does not require you to seriously limit yourself to food, you are full and all the dishes are easy to prepare. They ate them with my husband.

I repeated this diet three times, every month for a week. As a result, the weight almost returned to those indicators that were before childbirth, and the state of health improved even more. "

With a simple and healthy diet, you can get in shape quickly, improve your well-being.

You can quickly get used to the right food.